Send and validate with One-Time Password (OTP) Codes
Sending single-use numeric codes (understood as passwords sent through an Interposed Trusted Third Party) avoids document tampering so they can be used as evidence in a trial.

Do you know how it works?
You ask for an OTP Code via SMS, providing us with the user’s data.
We provide the request with a qualified time stamp.
We generate and send the OTP Code via SMS to the user in charge of entering it on your website.
You send us the code entered by the user and we verified that’s the same code sent to his mobile.
After the validation, we issue a certificate with the process data and result, keeping the original and the generated evidence.
There is evidence of the date and time of access generated by a third party.
It guarantees that only the authenticated user can access, increasing the security of your systems.
Avoid wasting time or investments by implementing an SMS operation code management (OTP) mechanism already developed and secure.
ID Pin Validation Service
Thanks to our OTP Certified Validation service via SMS, you can generate solid evidence of each access operation.
This allows us to provide added value within the ecosystem of communication and identity services:
Increasing the security of your users.
Reducing technical complexity.
Adding one more layer of legal security.
Providing more effective electronic evidence.